Total number of Equipment cards: 19
You can download 19 cards of card typ Equipment.
Also see overview of Equipment cards that can be used to download other cards.
target of 'downloading'
reason why you can 'download'
(5) Alien Gambling Device
When a random selection is made at this mission, you may ignore its result and select again. You may do this only once each turn.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Bajoran Phaser Pistol
Hand Weapon. While in combat, each of your personnel present is Strength +1.
Mavek, Science Officer
(0) Bat’leth
Hand Weapon. When you win combat involving your Klingon present, the loser discards a random card from hand.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Cardassian Phaser Pistol
Hand Weapon. While in combat, each of your personnel present is Strength +1.
Mavek, Science Officer
(2) Emergency Transport Unit
When your personnel present is about to be killed, you may return this equipment to its owner's hand to place that personnel on your ship at this mission instead. He or she is stopped.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Engineering Kit
Each of your Engineer personnel present gains Physics.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Engineering PADD
Each of your Engineer personnel present gains Astrometrics.
Mavek, Science Officer
(2) Ferengi Computer
When a personnel present is about to be stopped by a dilemma, you may place this equipment beneath your Ferenginar to prevent that.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Ferengi Whip
Hand Weapon. When you play this equipment, place the top card of your deck beneath your Ferenginar. While in combat, each of your personnel present is Strength +1. While facing a dilemma, each Treachery personnel present is Strength +1.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Jem’Hadar Disruptor Pistol
Hand Weapon. While in combat, each of your personnel present is Strength +1.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Klingon Disruptor Pistol
Hand Weapon. While in combat, each of your personnel present is Strength +1.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Medical Kit
Each of your Medical personnel present gains Biology.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Medical Tricorder
Each of your Medical personnel present gains Exobiology.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Romulan Disruptor Pistol
Hand Weapon. While in combat, each of your personnel present is Strength +1.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Science PADD
Each of your Science personnel present gains Archaeology.
Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Hand Weapon. While in combat, each of your personnel present is Strength +1.
Mavek, Science Officer
(2) The Stone of Gol
Artifact. (To play this card, you must have completed a mission requiring Acquisition, Anthropology, or Archaeology.) When combat begins involving your personnel present, the opponent's personnel involved who has the highest Strength is killed.
Arctus Baran, Treasure Seeker, Mavek, Science Officer
(2) The Sword of Kahless
Artifact. (To play this card, you must have completed a mission requiring Acquisition, Anthropology, or Archaeology.) Hand Weapon. Each of your Klingons and Honor personnel present is Integrity - 2, Cunning + 1, and Strength + 2.
Arctus Baran, Treasure Seeker, Mavek, Science Officer
(1) Tricorder
Each of your Science personnel present gains Geology.
Mavek, Science Officer