
Ferengi Computer

(2) Ferengi Computer

Uncommon card from Strange New Worlds (2005)

This invaluable tool helps a Ferengi in countless ways. With it, one can access commodities markets, contact business associates, and easily collate financial statements of different levels of accuracy.

EquipmentSee prev Equipment in alphabetical orderSee next Equipment in alphabetical orderStrange New WorldsSee prev. card from Strange New Worlds (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Strange New Worlds (order by card typ, alphabetical)strategy notes

When a Affiliation Ferengi personnel present is about to be stopped by a dilemma, you may place this equipment beneath your Ferenginar to prevent that.


Strategy notes

'crosslinks' - Ferengi Computer

See Ferengi related cards, examine & manipulation - dilemma outcome (stopping personnel) in strategy area.

'downloading' - Ferengi Computer is the target

Ferengi Computer could be downloaded by the following card:

Mavek, Science Officer

(Reason: when you play this personnel download an equipment if your non-Cardassian is at this mission.)

