

(2) Relam

Common card from Nessesary Evil (2004)

Romulan thinking is often complex and long-term. Their military almost never initiates conflict, instead waiting for adversaries to commit themselves, then responding accordingly.

PersonnelSee prev Personnel in alphabetical orderSee next Personnel in alphabetical orderNessesary EvilSee prev. card from Nessesary Evil (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Nessesary Evil (order by card typ, alphabetical)RomulanSee prev. Romulan Personnel in alphapetical orderSee next Romulan Personnel in alphapetical orderstrategy notes

Affilation: Romulan. Species: Romulan.

Integrity: 4 Cunning: 6 Strength: 6

Command/Staffing abilitys: Command

skill dot Astrometrics skill dot Officer skill dot Science skill dot Treachery

When this personnel is about to be stopped by a dilemma, you may discard an event from hand to prevent that.


Strategy notes

'crosslinks' - Relam

See Romulan Affiliation Romulan personnel, examine & manipulation - dilemma outcome (stopping personnel) in strategy area.

'downloading' - Relam is the target

Relam could be downloaded by the following cards:

B'Etor, Sister of Duras

(Reason: when you play this personnel download a Treachery personnel if you command Lursa.)

Lursa, Sister of Duras

(Reason: when you play this personnel download a Treachery personnel if you command B'Etor.)

