
Krim, Thoughtful Tactician

(2) UniqueKrim, Thoughtful Tactician

Rare card from Nessesary Evil (2004)


PersonnelSee prev Personnel in alphabetical orderSee next Personnel in alphabetical orderNessesary EvilSee prev. card from Nessesary Evil (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Nessesary Evil (order by card typ, alphabetical)BajoranSee prev. Bajoran Personnel in alphapetical orderSee next Bajoran Personnel in alphapetical orderstrategy notes

Affilation: Bajoran Deep Space Nine related card. Species: Bajoran.

Integrity: 6 Cunning: 6 Strength: 6

Command/Staffing abilitys: Command

skill dot Astrometrics skill dot Honor skill dot Leadership skill dot Officer

Commander: Talnot. General.
Order - Lose 5 points and stop this personnel to name a dilemma. Choose an opponent to take each copy of that dilemma from his or her dilemma pile, place them beneath your completed mission, then shuffle and replace his or her dilemma pile face down.


Strategy notes

Captain on the bridge

My be used as Captain for: Talnot

'crosslinks' - Krim, Thoughtful Tactician

See General, personnel cards with Deep Space Nine related card icon, Bonus-Points-related cards (invest points), examine & manipulation - opponents dilemma pile, Bajoran Affiliation Bajoran personnel cards, Commander related cards in strategy area.

'downloading' - Krim, Thoughtful Tactician is the target

Krim, Thoughtful Tactician could be downloaded by the following cards:

Opaka, Kai of Bajor

(Reason: when you play this personnel download a Affiliation Bajoran personnel.)

Symbol of Devotion

(Reason: during your order phase download a Affiliation Bajoran personnel if you command a Kai, Prylar, or Vedek.
Further costs: place the Kai, Prylar, or Vedek you command on the bottom of your deck.)

How Would You Like a Trip to Romulus?

(Reason: during your play phase download a Commander that corresponds with your ship.
Further costs: destroy this event.)

