
Keiko O達rien, School Teacher

(3) UniqueKeiko O達rien, School Teacher

Rare card from Energize (2003)

"I'm a teacher. My responsibility is to expose my students to knowledge, not hide it from them."

PersonnelSee prev Personnel in alphabetical orderSee next Personnel in alphabetical orderEnergizeSee prev. card from Energize (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Energize (order by card typ, alphabetical)FederationSee prev. Federation Personnel in alphapetical orderSee next Federation Personnel in alphapetical orderstrategy notes

Affilation: Federation Deep Space Nine related card. Species: Human.

Integrity: 6 Cunning: 5 Strength: 4

skill dot Biology skill dot Exobiology skill dot Honor skill dot Science

When you are about to play a Affiliation Bajoran personnel at this mission, you may discard a card from hand to make that personnel cost -1.


Strategy notes

'crosslinks' - Keiko O達rien, School Teacher

See personnel cards with Deep Space Nine related card icon, examine & manipulation - your card play cost, Federation Affiliation Federation personnel in strategy area.

'downloading' - Keiko O達rien, School Teacher is the target

Keiko O'Brien, School Teacher could be downloaded by the following card:

Jake Sisko, Temporal Anchor

(Reason: during your order phase download a Affiliation FederationDeep Space Nine related card personnel.
Further costs: place this personnel in his owner's discard pile.)

