

(2) Yelsar

Common card from Call To Arms (2003)

After living through Cardassian occupation, provisional government, an attempted coup, and partnerships with both the Federation and the Dominion, some Bajorans resigned themselves to simply making the best of whatever circumstances befell them.

PersonnelSee prev Personnel in alphabetical orderSee next Personnel in alphabetical orderCall To ArmsSee prev. card from Call To Arms (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Call To Arms (order by card typ, alphabetical)BajoranSee prev. Bajoran Personnel in alphapetical orderendstrategy notes

Affilation: Bajoran. Species: Bajoran.

Integrity: 4 Cunning: 5 Strength: 6

Command/Staffing abilitys: Staff

skill dot Acquisition skill dot Diplomacy skill dot Medical skill dot Navigation
skill dot Transporters

You may play this personnel at Mouth of the Wormhole.


Strategy notes

'crosslinks' - Yelsar

See Bajoran Affiliation Bajoran personnel cards in strategy area.

'downloading' - Yelsar is the target

Yelsar could be downloaded by the following cards:

Opaka, Kai of Bajor

(Reason: when you play this personnel download a Affiliation Bajoran personnel.)

Symbol of Devotion

(Reason: during your order phase download a Affiliation Bajoran personnel if you command a Kai, Prylar, or Vedek.
Further costs: place the Kai, Prylar, or Vedek you command on the bottom of your deck.)

