
Koral, Dour Smuggler

(2) UniqueKoral, Dour Smuggler

Common card from Energize (2003)

Mercenary of no great renown. Few have much to say about him - least of all himself. He has little patience for games.

PersonnelSee prev Personnel in alphabetical orderSee next Personnel in alphabetical orderEnergizeSee prev. card from Energize (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Energize (order by card typ, alphabetical)KlingonSee prev. Klingon Personnel in alphapetical orderSee next Klingon Personnel in alphapetical orderstrategy notes

Affilation: Klingon. Species: Klingon.

Integrity: 4 Cunning: 4 Strength: 7

Command/Staffing abilitys: Staff

skill dot Archaeology skill dot Astrometrics skill dot Navigation skill dot Treachery

When you play this personnel, he is attributes +2 until the end of this turn.


Strategy notes

'crosslinks' - Koral, Dour Smuggler

See Smuggler, Klingon Affiliation Klingon personnel in strategy area.

'downloading' - Koral, Dour Smuggler is the target

Koral, Dour Smuggler could be downloaded by the following cards:

B'Etor, Sister of Duras

(Reason: when you play this personnel download a Treachery personnel if you command Lursa.)

Lursa, Sister of Duras

(Reason: when you play this personnel download a Treachery personnel if you command B'Etor.)

