

(2) Harana

Common card from Energize (2003)

Though the leadership of the Dorvan V colony submitted willingly to Cardassian rule, many of its citizens took the first available chance to join up with the Maquis.

PersonnelSee prev Personnel in alphabetical orderSee next Personnel in alphabetical orderEnergizeSee prev. card from Energize (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Energize (order by card typ, alphabetical)Non-AlignedSee prev. Non-Aligned Personnel in alphapetical orderSee next Non-Aligned Personnel in alphapetical orderstrategy notes

Affilation: Non-aligned. Species: Human.

Integrity: 4 Cunning: 6 Strength: 5

skill dot Anthropology skill dot Geology skill dot Medical skill dot Physics

When this personnel is killed by a dilemma, in combat, or in an engagement, you may destroy a non-Maneuver event.

Special-icons: Marqui [M]


Strategy notes

'crosslinks' - Harana

See personnel cards with Marqui icon, examine & manipulation - opponent’s core, Non-Aligned Affiliation Non-Aligned personnel in strategy area.

