
Inspiring Leader

(1) Inspiring Leader

Rare card from Second Edition (2002)

"Geordi, divert all power to the engines. Take it from life support if you have to - give me everything you've got."

EventSee prev Event in alphabetical orderSee next Event in alphabetical orderSecond EditionSee prev. card from Second Edition (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Second Edition (order by card typ, alphabetical)strategy notes

Plays on your ship (limit one per ship). While you have this ship's Commander aboard, it is Range +2.


Strategy notes

'crosslinks' - Inspiring Leader

See Commander related cards, ship attribute enhancement - Range (other cards) in strategy area.

'downloading' - Inspiring Leader is the target

Inspiring Leader could be downloaded by the following cards:

If Wishes Were Horses

(Reason: during your order phase discard a card from hand to download an event.
Further costs: discard a random card from hand.)

K'Tal, Senior Council Member

(Reason: when you play a Chancellor or High Council Member at this mission download an event.)

Broca, Grovelling Lackey

(Reason: during your order phase reveal an event from hand to download a copy of that event.
Further costs: first discard a card from hand.)

