


Uncommon card from Premiere (1994)

Established a secret prison camp in the Carray system for dishonored Klingon survivors of the Khitomer massacre.

PersonnelSee prev Personnel in alphabetical orderSee next Personnel in alphabetical orderPremiereSee prev. card from Premiere (order by card typ, alphabetical)See next card from Premiere (order by card typ, alphabetical)RomulanSee prev. Romulan Personnel in alphapetical orderSee next Romulan Personnel in alphapetical orderstrategy notes

Affilation: Romulan; Gender: male

Classification: OFFICER

Integrity: 6 Cunning: 7 Strength: 6

Command/Staffing abilitys: Staff

skill dot Anthropology skill dot Honor


Strategy notes

'crosslinks' - Tokath

See Romulan Affiliation Romulan personnel, support personnel in strategy area.

'downloading' - Tokath is the target

Tokath could be downloaded by the following card:

Assign Support Personnel

Timing - each turn  Frequency - once per turn 

(Reason: download a "support personnel" (a personnel with only two regular skills).
Location: to your matching ship that has two or more staffing icons, or to your matching facility at any quadrant.
Further costs: discard objective.)

